This week I'm thankful for ...
~ snow and the joy it puts on my daughter's face. She would spend the entire day (and night!) out there playing and tromping around in it if we would let her;
~ an extra snowsuit for Maaike ... 'cause when one is wet, it's SO handy to have another available;
~ coffee after some long nights with a coughing child;
~ Breaking Dawn and catching up with friends;
~ my newly shorn dog and the fact that I don't have to vacuum fur bunnies every 5 minutes;
~ my husband, who loves me despite (and tolerates all) my whackiness, and supports me no matter what;
~ passing the 30 minutes I had to spend colouring my hair on the phone with my Mom;
~ my Mom. She would shake her head to hear it, but she's one of the strongest people I know. I don't know how she handles it all without complaint;
~ brunch with a friend who is moving back across the water far too soon;
~ my bank card and the fact that it just keeps working and working and working (ha!)!!! How did we ever survive without these little genius inventions?
~ my morning exercise routine that keeps me sane and fit at the same time;
~ the fact that it's only one month until Christmas Eve ... !!!
~ being able to stay at home and help raise the most amazing, incredible, inventive, curious, imaginative, smart, awesome and adorable little girl on the planet. She is, bar none, my proudest achievement.
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