Sunday, March 13, 2011

Entitlement - A Reality Check

I have been wandering around over the last number of months effectively feeling sorry for myself. Whining internally (and sometimes externally) about some things I essentially have no control over, and also about some things that I do control but obviously had been questioning my decisions about. It was almost 100% reflected in jealousy I was experiencing towards people in my life whom, I believed, had more than I. More kids, more money, a nicer house, a nicer car ... the list goes on.

Today I got a slap in the face, once again, at church. (Figuratively, of course). It amazes me when these things hit me. They come out of the blue, and I always know it's striking a chord when the throat starts to seal up, the nose starts to burn, and I am blinded by tears.

What makes me think I'm entitled to all these things that everyone else has, when I have so much more than so many equally deserving people already? There was a day when we were essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul; now, although finances are tight and we live on a budget, our bills are paid and we have assets that far out-weigh our liabilities. There was also a day when I believed I would never be a wife to a good man, and that I would never be a mother; now I am blessed to be both.

I have a great family, immediate and extended, & seriously awesome friends. We are all healthy. We have a warm home, clothes on our backs, and we get to do a few things here and there to "live life". I am fortunate enough to be able to stay home with our beautiful child, a benefit I would never have imagined I'd be able to have the opportunity, let alone the means, to do. THAT's the nitty gritty important stuff that we are blessed with.

Really, isn't winning the lottery enough without the bonus round?

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